Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Facebook group? [UPDATED!]

Today I stumbled on what I believe is a great injustice.  There is a Facebook group entitled "Canadians for the F-35 Lightning II."  It currently has 410 members.  The fact that over 400 people think that the F-35 would be the right choice for Canada is disturbing enough, but what really bothers me is that there is no "Canadians for the JAS-39 Gripen" group!

Now, for some odd reason, Mr. Zuckerberg has decided that a "group" needs more than a single person, so I can't start one by myself.  If you feel like I do, that Canada would be better served with the faster, cheaper, better Gripen E/F over the F-35 (or anything else for that matter), and feel we should spread the word on Facebook, then let me know!

Either post a link to your Facebook homepage if you are feeling brave, or simply contact me at  (weird username, I know).  Once there are a few people on board, I will start an open Facebook group.  Anybody in that group can post links, pictures, or whatever.  My only request is that the group stay on topic (let's keep the cat pictures to minimum, please).

I'm interested in hearing what you all think about this, please let me know!

I'm having trouble finding people to send out group requests.  Here is my Facebook profile page:  Just send me a friend request and I'll send back a group invite!